David Wills House Museum

Gettysburg, PA

Exhibits, gift shop, multipurpose room, offices, kitchen
Restored historic center stair and new elevator
Sensitive integration of new building systems into the historic fabric
Review and approval by the State Historic Preservation Officer
National Park Service, Gettysburg National Military Park
Programming, Cost Estimating, Sustainable Design, Full Design Services, Construction Administration

Constructed in 1816 and renovated in the late 1850s when it was purchased by local lawyer David Wills, the David Wills House provided lodging to President Abraham Lincoln on the eve of the Gettysburg Address, which he completed in the now commemorated “Lincoln Bedroom.”

This project sought to preserve the Wills House and enhance its interpretive potential to better communicate the Wills and Lincoln stories. Exterior restoration returned this important landmark to its c1889 condition, while interior rehabilitation stabilized the structure, brought the building into compliance with current codes, and provided a flexible exhibit experience that positions the museum as a key component of the community’s Historic Pathway interpretive corridor.

What Our Clients Say

All at GWWO “were clearly committed to providing excellent service and to the project’s success, and all should feel proud of the results that were achieved.”

—Dr. John Latschar, former Superintendent, Gettysburg National Military Park