Zach Thomas,  / GWWO Architects

Zach Thomas

Driven by his collaborative approach, Zach strives to help our clients, building users, and communities immerse themselves in the design process and see the whole picture. He is admittedly obsessive with his attention to document detailing and skilled at conveying design intent through drawing graphics and perspective renderings. His love for architecture stems from obtaining an understanding of how materials are installed when working in construction as a welder, which allowed him to observe all stages of construction and the order of operation for how buildings are erected.

Zach holds a Bachelor of Science in Architectural and Environmental Design from Morgan State University.


Favorite quote?
“I wish this never happened in my time.” – Frodo

“So do all who live to see such times. But that’s not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.” – Gandalf

One thing you can’t live without?
Coffee. If I go too long without it, I turn into a raging monster.

Meet Other Members of Our Team

Matt Ames

Matt Ames


Samir Taylor

Samir Taylor

Construction Specialist
Amanda Moore

Amanda Moore


Kate Scurlock

Kate Scurlock


Senior Associate
Meet The Rest Of The Team