December 3, 2024

Making the Museum: Story-Based Design

Making the Museum: Story-Based Design

Can a building tell a story?

How do you design a glass wall to be ... mist? What if architecture, landscape, and exhibitions were all thought of as one thing? What changes when you etch barbed wire into a handrail? How can the floor plan of an entire museum relate to a nautilus shell? What does “A.D.R.O.I.T.” stand for? We’re going to find out, so notebooks at the ready.

Alan Reed, FAIA, LEED AP (President and Design Principal of GWWO Architects), joins MtM host Jonathan Alger (Managing Partner, C&G Partners) to discuss “Story-Based Design.”

Along the way: dendrites, neurons, Seminole history, and a famous mathematical sequence that goes 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 …

Talking Points:
1. What is Story-Based Design?
2. Do the Research
3. Define the Essence
4. One Experience: Architecture + Landscape + Exhibitions
5. Intuitive Wayfinding: A.D.R.O.I.T.
6. Materials Matter, Down to the Details

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